UP003: LawnGuru // on demand outdoor services

skye durrant is the co-founder of LawnGuru, which provides on-demand outdoor services. learn more about LawnGuru: https://lawnguru.co follow upside on Twitter: https://twitter.com/upsidefm
LawnGuru provides on-demand lawn care and snow removal services for clients in metro detroit, atlanta, cleveland, chicago, houston, philadelphia & washington dc areas. through its mobile and web-based applications, LawnGuru connects consumers with local outdoor service providers to take care of their lawn and snow removal needs within hours of each request. 

LawnGuru enables its consumers to instantly view and track the location and estimated arrival time of their service providers. consumers automatically receive a receipt and picture of their freshly mowed lawn upon job completion. 

LawnGuru is based in ann arbor, michigan. 


skye durrant is co-founder of LawnGuru, which was part of batch 15 of 500 startups. skye graduated with a degree in neuroscience from the university of colorado, boulder.

learn more about LawnGuru: https://lawnguru.co
follow upside on Twitter: https://twitter.com/upsidefm

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