JE008: consume, contribute, create // how founders, VCs, and community builders should podcast

Nearly a year into publishing weekly episodes of the show, we have a lot of thoughts about the world of podcasting and specifically how startup founders, VCs, and community builders can leverage podcasting. So this week, we are sharing with you the three main strategies for engaging with the podcasting medium. Namely, consuming, contributing to, and creating podcasts. Especially if you plan to try to appear on podcasts or create your own, you need to hear this. Follow upside on Twitter:
Nearly a year into publishing weekly episodes of the show, we have a lot of thoughts about the world of podcasting and specifically how startup founders, VCs, and community builders can leverage podcasting.

So this week, we are sharing with you the three main strategies for engaging with the podcasting medium. Namely, consuming, contributing to, and creating podcasts.

Especially if you plan to try to appear on podcasts or create your own, you need to hear this.

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