.CLUB // exclusive rights to sell a generic top level domain name [UP075]

Interview begins: 7:12 Debrief: 48:41 Colin Campbell is the founder and chairman of.CLUB Domains, a domain registry that owns the generic top-level domain rights to .club domains. Colin took two internet company's public in the heat of the 1990s and is a wealth of knowledge on all things internet. Domains are released by ICANN irregularly with the last offering in 2012, and Colin was able to secure the rights to.CLUB. .CLUB Domains was founded in 2011 and based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. FollowvColin Campbell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colinccampbell/ Website: https://names.club Key Points: - Behind the scenes of internet infrastructure 15:19 - What is ICANN 17:01 -Buying Domains 20:20 - Purchasing .CLUB 22:28 - Investing in .CLUB 24:09 - Distribution and Marketing 28:41 - Registering new domain extension 38:07 - Building relationships 40:34 – This episode is sponsored by Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, a full-service law firm known for assisting entrepreneurs across the Heartland. Click here to learn more about Taft – This episode of upside is also sponsored by Ethos Wealth Management. Managing wealth with an eye toward the future demands vigilance and skill in today’s global economy. Over the years, Ethos Wealth Management has worked with clients and their other professional advisors – including attorneys and accountants – to create comprehensive wealth management plans designed to make the best use of their wealth today and help ensure its endurance for future generations. They can do the same for you. Visit upside.fm/ethos to learn more. – Want to share information about your company, or an opportunity with the upside audience? Book a classified advertisement and your advertisement will be read in an upcoming episode of the show. Classified ads are priced at $100, and are: read by Jay and/or Eric on upside linked from the show notes linked from this website, upside.fm
Interview begins: 7:12
Debrief: 48:41

Colin Campbell is the founder and chairman of.CLUB Domains, a domain registry that owns the generic top-level domain rights to .club domains. 

Colin took two internet company's public in the heat of the 1990s and is a wealth of knowledge on all things internet. 

Domains are released by ICANN irregularly with the last offering in 2012, and Colin was able to secure the rights to.CLUB.

.CLUB Domains was founded in 2011 and based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Follow Colin Campbell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colinccampbell/
Key Points:

  • Behind the scenes of internet infrastructure 15:19
  • What is ICANN 17:01
  • Buying Domains 20:20
  • Purchasing .CLUB 22:28
  • Investing in .CLUB 24:09
  • Distribution and Marketing 28:41
  • Registering new domain extension 38:07
  • Building relationships 40:34
This episode is sponsored by Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, a full-service law firm known for assisting entrepreneurs across the Heartland.

This episode of upside is also sponsored by Ethos Wealth Management. Managing wealth with an eye toward the future demands vigilance and skill in today’s global economy. Over the years, Ethos Wealth Management has worked with clients and their other professional advisors – including attorneys and accountants – to create comprehensive wealth management plans designed to make the best use of their wealth today and help ensure its endurance for future generations.

They can do the same for you. 

Visit upside.fm/ethos to learn more.

Want to share information about your company, or an opportunity with the upside audience?

Book a classified advertisement and your advertisement will be read in an upcoming episode of the show.

Classified ads are priced at $100, and are:
  • read by Jay and/or Eric on upside
  • linked from the show notes
  • linked from this website, upside.fm

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